Expert APA Paper Writing Services for You!

Are you looking for reliable APA paper writing services? Then try out Submit Your Assignments! Our online writing service can provide you with a well-researched, perfectly formatted essay that is sure to earn you top marks.

APA paper writing services
Don’t wait. Get APA paper writing services today!

Submit Your Assignments employs writers who are experts in their respective fields. The majority of our writers hold Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees, and they are well versed in all sorts of writing formats, including APA, Chicago, and MLA.

APA Style helps authors effectively present their ideas clearly and precisely. Whether you need an APA-formatted essay written for your linguistics class or a research paper for economics, our writers can provide you with the paper you need to ace the assignment.

Place your order for one of our custom-crafted APA papers today. You can also email us at any time or call us during our business hours for more information. We are excited to see what we can do for you!

How Do APA Paper Writing Services Format Your Papers?

As one of the most common citation styles currently in use, it makes sense that Submit Your Assignments writers are familiar with this format. APA writing and formatting style is most commonly used in the fields of behavioral and social sciences. It is used widely by hundreds of scientific journals, in many textbooks, and in academia.

APA Syle is the guide that the American Psychological Association (APA) uses for the journals they publish. It famously consists of in-text citations and a reference list. The in-text citations provide brief information about the source, including the author’s last name and the year of publication. The reference list provides more detailed information about the sources, including the author’s full name, the title of the work, the publication date, and the URL.

However, formatting isn’t the only part of a paper that APA Style is concerned with. APA Style also establishes standards for language. These standards are aimed at reducing bias in language, which was particularly relevant in the field of psychology that the APA style was originally created for.

APA paper writing services
APA is one of the most used citation styles.

One of the most important and influential updates to the APA Style was “Guidelines for Nonsexist Language in APA Journals,” which was published in 1974 and provided alternatives to sexist language and terminology that were commonly used back in the day. Since then, APA Style has been continually updated to feature more practical guidance for writing about disability, age, race, sexual orientation, and more.

Although your professor will probably not expect their students to follow every rule in the APA manual of style, it can still be a lot to take in. Luckily, our writers are here to provide you with great APA paper writing services.

The History of APA Style

The American Psychological Association (APA) is a scientific and professional organization that represents psychologists in the United States. The APA educates the public about psychology, behavioral science, and mental health. It also promotes psychological science and practice to the public and fosters the education and training of psychological scientists, practitioners and educators.

The APA advocates for psychological knowledge and practice to be applied in policy making. Some of their members also act as consultants, representing psychologists in the media and before Congress.

The APA Style originated in 1929, when the APA convened and sought to establish a simple set of style guidelines that authors in the field of scientific writing could follow. They wanted these guidelines to appeal to reading comprehension and allow more people to understand scholarly writing. These guidelines needed to enable clear communication, and the word choice needed to support a reduction of bias in language.

APA Style was the solution they came up with. Although the original guidelines were published as a seven-page article, the guidelines soon grew to encompass an entire manual. These days, the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association is over two hundred pages long, and it covers things like paper organization, style of writing, citations, and even details such as double-spacing mechanics.

The Main Rules of APA Style

APA paper writing services
Submit Your Assignments can provide you with great APA paper writing services.

Here are some of the most important rules that our APA paper writing services writers follow. Keep in mind that your professor might not tell you to use all of these rules. Indeed, many professors tell their students to adhere to the citation format but do not expect them to follow the basic page layout. It is important to closely read over the rubric given in order to understand what your professor will grade you on.

Basic Formatting

  • Your paper should be double-spaced with one-inch margins around all sides.
  • The font should be Times New Roman, size 12 pt.
  • There should be a running header and page number on all pages.

Title Page and Headers

  • The title page might also be called the cover page. The following text should be located in the upper third of the title page, center-justified:

Title of Paper (Title Case Capitalization Should Be Used)
Name of Author
University Affiliation

  • Section headers are used to denote the sections of the paper. There are specific formatting rules that must be followed when writing in APA style. Headers can identify different parts of your paper (such as Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, or Conclusion) or sub-parts of the paper (such as the various sections of your main body).


  • In-text citations are typically located within parentheses, leading to their other name, “parenthetical citations”. They should be located inside the period if they appear at the end of a sentence.
    • They should be in the format (Author’s Last Name, year of publication).
    • If there are two authors, they should be listed in the order given on the publication, like so: (Author & Author Two, year). An ampersand should be used, not the word “and”.
    • If there are three to five authors, then the first time they are cited, you should format the citation like this: (Author One, Author Two, Author Three, Author Four & Author Five, year). However, all other times you cite, you should shorten it to (Author One et al., year).
    • If there are six or more authors, then you will simply use (Author One et al., year) for all citations.
  • Another type of in-text citation is narrative citation, where the name of the author is incorporated into the text. Some examples of this include:
    • In their paper, Smith and Johnson (2011) found that…
    • Ramirez, Diaz, James, and Emerson (1999) discovered…
    • A report published by the American Psychological Association (2003) states that…
  • Your list of Refences should be located at the end of your paper. It should start on its own pages and only include the works cited in your paper.

If all of this sounds confusing, then be sure to come to Submit Your Assignment. Our team of writers can get you the perfectly-formatted paper you need. With our great pricing, excellent discounts, and quality writing service, you will see why customers love our APA paper writing services!

United States Fun Facts:

  • The USA has the world’s fourth longest river system.
  • There have been 27 iterations of the American flag.
  • New York used to be the capital of the USA.